Sunday, November 23, 2014


          Our last destination was to watch the play "Wally Watthead and his lost glow". In was in PETA Theater. We actually stayed there for a very long time. We waited for them to let us in. We waited for like 3 hours. We were just there sitting or wandering around. Then the play itself is okay. I got entertained but I feel that something is missing and I don't know what it is. It is fine because I also laughed. Then the magic tricks that Wally presented is like an old one. I already saw it before, so it isn't new for me. The scene when there were lots of bubbles came is a nice one. The place looked so good. I wanted to take photos but then we can't. We're not allowed. Only when the play is finished, I guess. Also, we didn't take photo with Wally Watthead. :(( He stayed outside then there were lots of students so no chance to grab him and take a phot with him. 

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