Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Kinds of Classmates

The brainy girl who was always the first to put up her hand whenever the teacher asked a question. 

The traitorous class-monitor who marked you late even if it was by a minute.

The bully who used to come and take your stuff forcibly and pick fights with you just for the heck of it.

The trouble-maker who was probably the most punished student ever.

The teacher’s pet who could even show up to school without textbooks or homework or even a schoolbag.

The classmate who used to come outrageously early to school and sit right in the front. And dare you ever decide to take his/her spot.

The copy-cat who always found a seat next to you during exams and bugged you relentlessly for the answers!

The bookworm who used to behave like the world had ended just because he/she could only manage 97% instead of the hundred they were hoping for!

The backbenchers who always had the most fun. Playing, chatting, gossiping through every single class!

 And lastly, the one guy who used to spill the beans in front of the teacher & got a lot of people in trouble!


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