Monday, August 18, 2014

Diary Entry (August 18,2014)

Hello! It's Monday again! :)) Another day to start! :)) Actually, I was really early yesterday. I went to school at 7:15am, and I saw Tom was the only one who was there. I'm so happy because I was early, but then it's so hot, and it smells bad. Eeerrrrrrrr!!!!! Then I saw Rodalyn and then we practiced for our English groupwork. Then it's 

Ring ring ring ring ring ring

It's class time!!! Our first subject was English. We really had fun because Rodalyn played the role as Kris. She was really a good actress. She was really into character. :)) Then we had normal class. Then we celebrated Joel's birthday. Then normal science class.


Social studies quiz!!!!!!

Tsk..... I didn't finish the test. I actually liked the test because I could finish it if there will be time but then I lack time. And I really hate it. Sayang points! Tsk. I super duper reviewed for it. 

Anyway, everything was fine again. :)) 

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