Wednesday, October 29, 2014

If you were given a chance to pick in two situations; Would you rather be in wrong but happy or Right but sad?

             That would be a difficult question for me. Let's think about the situation wherein I am wrong but then I am happy. In this situation, yeah let's say I am wrong but then I am happy, but at the same time I am also happy but I know that I am wrong. So I know that I am happy but then I would be sad because I know that I am wrong. I wouldn't feel happy if I know that I did something wrong. I will feel that something is missing. Let's go in the second situation wherein I am right but sad. This situation is hard and has lots of sacrifice. Because you are right but at the same time you are sad. Then you are sad but then you are right. The two situations have good and bad effects. For me, I would choose to be in the situation wherein I am right but sad. Why? Because I know that I am sad but then I also know that I am right. Example, we rechecked our papers, my score is 98/100, when I rechecked my paper, it was just 90/100. Then I am the highest in 98/100 but then I would just be 3rd if I tell that I am just 90/100. So will I tell the truth, get 90/100, be 3rd place in the test or will I not tell the truth, get 98/100, be 1st in test? I would rather choose the first one, because I know that I just get 90/100 so if tell the truth, I will also realize that I am wrong in some numbers, that I have to review on them. Also if I won't tell them then I am just pretending or I am just believing that I am the 1st even though I am just 3rd. Then I will always think of that, like what if my teacher re-checked my paper..... Blank blank blank..... So its better to tell from my own mouth than them knowing. :))

Love yourself because if you won't then who else?

In summary, love yourself. It's not that you will be selfish, but give love to yourself. If you ibong love yourself then who else? Before someone will love you, love yourself first. It's also like accept yourself, so that others can also accept you. :)) You have to be there to give a helping hand for yourself if you fall down because before it starts from others, start it first from within. :))


Is this true? Yeah, for me. Silence means a lot for me. It means I'm angry, sad, or hurt. Other people tend to ask me why I am being silent in those situations. I just don't want to say some bad things. When I'm mad, I'm really mad, so I don't want to tell something bad, so I'll just keep quiet. Also when I'm sad or hurt I keep quiet because I can feel something missing or I'm not in mood. If I'm hurt, yeah, I keep quiet because I'm hurt, duh? Haha :)) When I feel pain, it is better for me to not say a word because I might cry. I don't know, but that's how it goes for me. If I feel pain, then I will open my mouth, I can feel tears slowing falling from my eyes. :))


Just saw the photo somewhere. 

I think that a lot of teens can relate to it because I honestly can relate to it. :)) 

Happy Family....

Is everything that we see in family pictures true? Are they really close? Are they really happy? Why do people have to pretend being happy even if they are not really deep inside. What motivates them to show to other people that there family is one big happy family. 

One reason I can state about the situation is that, who wants to be unhappy? Maybe, that's why they are showing that they are happy in family portraits, is because at least in pictures, they are called to be happy. Also, isn't it nice to see a happy person? For me, when I see a smile in a person but then I know deep inside that the person who is smiling, is not really happy, I call that person as strong. He/she does not make her outside appearance be affected by what's happening to him/her. 



Have I ever experience this situation? Have I cried so much? Of course. I experienced it several times. Mahirap umiyak pero madaling tumulo ang luhat at kapag tumulo na ay magtutuloy-tuloy na ang pag-iyak. But what makes me cry? I cry for many reasons. I cry for small or big reasons. I elaborate it. :)) 

UN! :))

Hello! :)) 


Last Thursday, we celebrated UN. We, the grade 8 students, belong to the upper and middle grade level. We were required to join the food festival. We picked Antarctica. It was hard at first to think about foods there. We also decorated our room even if it is not included with the criteria. 

We also had the UN Assembly. We researched about the United Nations Environment Programme. We also won. :)) 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

This or that?


Pepsi or Coke: Coke

Mc Donald's or Burger King: Mc Donald's

Couple or Group Dates: Group Dates but if I am in a relationship couple dates

Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate

Strawberries or Raspberries: Strawberries

Meat or Veggie: Meat

TV or Movie: TV

Guitar or Drums: Guitar

Adidas or Nike: Adidas

Chinese or Mexican Cuisine: Mexican Cuisine

Cheerios or Corn Flakes :Corn Flakes

Have you ever....


Been in jail?: Nope! Never!

Thought about suicide?: Yes? 

Thrown up in a store?: No

Done something really stupid that you laugh about?: Yes

Seen a dead body: Yes

Been on drug?: No! Never!

The have's and what's.......


Have you ever asked someone out?: Nope

Have you ever been asked out by someone?: Yes

Have you ever been at air plane?: Nope

Have you ever painted your nails?: Yes, a lot of times, when there's no school.


What is the temperature outside?: Hot

What radio station do you listen?: Love Radio 90.7 

What was the last thing you bought?: Food

What was the last thing you watched on TV?: Strawberry Lane

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Do

Hello.... :)) 

Got some random things from facebook again. :))


Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Nope..... :))

Do you believe in miracles?: Yes

Do you believe in magic?: No

Do you believe in Satan?: Idk

Do you like Roller Coaster?: Yes

Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: No

Random Questions about Me.... :))

Spell your name without vowels: Nkk Flrnn Vlnc Cstl

Your favorite numbers: 6 

What color/s do you wear most: Purple and White

Least favorite color: Orange

What are you listening now: To the voices of my classmates

Who is/are your best friend/s: Rica, Charles, Myra, Athena, Jane, Roda

Are you outgoing?: Yes and no

Favorite pair of shoes: Doll Shoes and Robber Shoes

Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: Nope

Write with both hands?: Yes

Qestions..... :))

Hello! :))

Just random questions I got from facebook..... :)) Answered it with honesty.... Haha :)) 


ABC Questions About You;

A- AVAILABLE: Yes, but no thanks.... :))


C- CRUSH: Secret


E- EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: Nadine and Charles

F- FAVORITE SONGS: All songs in my iPad






M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: Mango, Chocolate, Cookies & Cream


O- ONE WISH: To graduate then have a nice career 


R- REASON TO SMILE: Because I saw special people in my life. Because I did an achievement. Because I was successful. Because I saw my friends.



U- UNWANTED BY: Idk.... Maybe people who hates me.....

V- VEGETABLES: Cabbage, Carrot, Sitaw, Kalabasa. 

W- WORST HABIT: Doing nothing..... :)) 

X- X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Once in Asian Hospital

Y- YOYOS ARE: Not my thing but I think when I watch someone playing yoyo, ang galing lang..... :))



Hello! :)) 

Trust..... What is trust? Trust is a belief that someone or something is reliablegoodhonest,effective, etc. I trust a lot of people. But sometimes. Trust is an issue. You can't tell that a person is super trustworthy. I don't tell every thing I know to a person because. Yeah. Secret. :))

In the quote below, it's true for me. Trust is really a big thing. And a person shouldn't waste it because it is an important and a big deal. :)) 

Once trust is broken, it won't be perfect. :)) It won't go back to normal. :))

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hello ! :))
Sorry I forgot where this quote came from. :))

Friday, October 17, 2014

Problem (Family)


Is the quote true? Well for me, it is true because I've experienced it already. My parents always argue about different stuff. I always hear a lot of shoutings and stuff. In the end, I will also get curious and start getting troubled. I will also be in bad mood. I will also shout when someone is talking to me. In school, I can't shout that's why, I just keep quiet when I have problem. 

But..... That's just a joke.... :))

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Drama..... :))

Hello.... :))

I'm not telling that my friends and family will judge me, but then I think telling problem to a stranger or to a not close friend is better. 

I don't know why but I think it feels better when telling problems to a not close friend because they will not mind me so much. They will just listen then will not ignore me after that scene. So they will forget it what I say. :))

But.... That's a joke.... :)) 

Happiness :))

Hello! :))

I saw a quote in facebook. "Smile for no reason." I'm sorry but I forgot where I got the quote, but it's just in facebook. 

I saw that quote and I became curious. I thought about it. Smile for no reason. I thought that if I smile without a reason then I am crazy. BUT. If you smile without a reason then that means that you can be happy forever. Because if you smile for a reason like you get perfect scores, your crush said hi to you, you got your favorite food, and etc then if those reasons were gone, will you still be happy? So I think that smiling for no reason is also good because if there's a reason for that smile then soon the smile in your face will fade away because of the sadness that the reason for your smile was gone. :))

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Hello! :))

Neq.... Where did my nickname "Neq" came from? Actually, my friends, Myra, Roda, Athena, and yung pinaka tumatawag saakin ng Neq ay walang iba kung hindi si Charles. :)) My name Neq was driven from my Chinese name which is Neqe. Then they started making fun of the pronunciation of my name. That's why it turned out as Neq. Then I remember that when Charles and I were texting, my mom saw the text and the thing written was "Neq". My mom pronounced it as "Nek". That's why I laughed. Well, Neq is fine with me. :)) I am not bothered like what Athena said. :))


Hello! :))

I just wanna share that I have already a simcard for my ipad. But I'm irritated and I don't know why. :))

I don't know what to type/blog. I just watched My Destiny, Strawberry lane! and Hiram na Alaala. Yung mga yun ay teleseryes sa GMA 7. Ngayon just want to sleep dahil may pasok pa bukas. :)) 
Bye na! :))

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Hello! :))

Today, we presented our group name and group chant.

We had our poem, but then I deleted it. :((

But I have our acrostic. :))

C onfident
O bservant
N atural
S ophisticated
T idy
E xtreme
L iable
L ively
A dventurous
T alented
I ncredible
O bedient
N ice

Epic Fail

Hello! :))

Yesterday, we already tried our water rocket. Our group's rocket was the only one that didn't launch. Myra's group went to the other side, and Charles' group went up until third floor. :)) But ours didn't. :(( But it's fine. Our car won. Haha :)) 
Winner!!!! :))

Didn't fly.... :(())

Wednesday (October 15, 2014)

Hello! :)) The time right now is 7:45, but we are just four in the classroom. I cannot talk with anyone because I'm not super close with them, and I don't have any topic to talk about to them. Now Jane came, but she is talking with RC practicing for quarter exam. Oh yeah! Quarter exam for music! :)) I can do it! :)) I practiced several times and I think that's already okay. :)) 

Monday, October 13, 2014


What a Monday! :))

Oh yeah! Hello! :))

Today, Monday was very I don't know. It is okay. In the morning, I received my scores for the quarter exams. It was good. :))

In Social Studies, I got 63/90. In Math, I got 80/95. In Science, I got 111/124. Hahaha..... If for others those grades are already low, well for me it is fine already.

Well, bye! :))

I'll watch already..... :))

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Conan :))

Tiring Friday......... :))


Last Friday, we had our last day for the quarter exams. I am fine with my exams. :)) (Wishing scores will be good)

Anyway, after that Myra, Charles, and I went to some trip. haha..... we went to ATC and eat..... then we saw the VOICE...... haha..... We actually didn't know what we did. Last thing we know is that we are inside the singing room. Hahaha :))

Next, we went to go home already. Then we saw McDo and we bought again there. Then I decided for us to go to church. But Myra didnt like but Charles wanted. So kami pabalikbalik kami. Hindi namin alam kung ano at saan na kami pupunta. Laging pag hahakbang kami, ay meron si Charles na side comment. So kami ang sakit at pagod na kami. :)) Nakakainis. Pero sa huli okay naman. Dahil masaya naman. HAhahaha :))


Hello! :))

It is Sunday today and I am so happy because quarter exams just ended. Actually, I just realized it now. But I also think that I will have good grades since I did my best and I studied so much for those exams. 

Also, I am already relieved with my Math and Social Studies grades. :))

That's all...... :)) 

Science Project (Balloon Powered Car)

Hello! :))

I think that I have told you about our four science projects. We had the rocket, water centrifuge, the rube goldberg, and the car.

We already passed our Rube Goldberg and the Water Centrifuge video. Then we already tried out our Balloon Powered Car.



We had the longest range!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But that day I wasn't super happy and I don't know why. And I'm also not super happy while typing this blof about winning that project. I am just exaggerating since it is cool to type. :))

Anyway, we won. Period. :))


Hello! :))

Whoah!!!!! SO many years since I've updated my blog...... Well.... I am so busy...... I want to tell you what was the first busy thing I did.........

I just had an overload of long exams!!!!!!! But I updated this blog so late. I had the long exam overload last October 7. 

We didn't classes on October 6 that's why I have million of hours to review for ENGLISH, SCIENCE, and SOCIAL STUDIES. Wait.... I am not yet done. We also had our first quarter exam in FILIPINO AND IN COMPUTER. The whole day was exam except for Math. We did our project. Still, it's a heavy thing. :))


I'm happy with my scores.:))